1-Searching God 2-Omnipotent God 3-Christian Values 4-Spirit and Flesh 5-Spirit and Life 6-God in the City 7-Basic Bread 8-Human Talents 9-The Person 10-Coherence 11Providence 12- Time of God 13-See to Believe 14-Believe to See 15-The Big Bet 16-Criteria of God 17-Testimony 18-The Scandal 19-The Scandal 20-Heterosexuality 21-Human Divorce 22-Christian Methods 23-Church and State 24-Essential and Accessory 25-To Renew 26-The Flock 27-Living Stones 28-Democratic Church 29-Power and Service 30- Universal Family 31-Universal Church 32- Human Dead 33-Final Judgement: God, Beginning and End